Friday, 18 July 2014

Making YouTube a job?

Now I know many YouTubers would love to make it a full-time job like I'm trying to do, there are 2 ways I think this is possible and I'll explain why. This is entirely based off of my own experience and opinions so don't take this too seriously!

1:  Make a single videos that goes viral, now this is the most obvious but hardest option, this requires you to be able to make something that'll hit the internet like a storm and pave away for more videos from you to be watched because of that viral hit. The main problem with this is once you go viral you have to keep meeting people expectation as to the quality of your videos and with such a way that your not repeating your self but at the same time your keeping to the original values laid down by that first video.

2:  Be consistent and slowly build your audience, this way you really find your true fans as they'll keep coming back to your videos and not just because they saw one video. If you follow this route you'll have a more stable fan base and a more stable income as fans will continue coming back to your videos and watching them all the way through.

The woes of Ad-block on youtube

Now many people use Ad-blocker to skip those annoying ads at the beginning of YouTube videos, that's fair enough for general browsing, but let me explain the problems with that....

Now most of you know about the Yogscast, they earn all their money from adverts on their channels, this allows them to make the videos in the first place. Now if everyone used Ad-blocker on their videos they would quickly go out of business and you'd lose one of your favorite YouTube groups because you where lazy enough to use Ad-blocker, so why  do people use it when it harms the YouTube community to a point that some YouTuberes can't turn YouTube into a full time job.

Now I'm in this situation too as I'm trying to make a job out of it and I have noticed hundreds of views on my channel not being monitised as people are using Ad-blocker to skip the ads on my videos. This behavior is harming the YouTube community and stopping people from doing what they love!

so if you are reading this and have a shred of decency, PLEASE TURN OFF AD-BLOCK ON YOUTUBE!